Saturday, May 29, 2010

My milk snake brings all the neighbors to the yard

Today I noticed something very odd.. many people in cars were stopping right in front of my house, peering down at the road and driving off. I finally had enough when a high school jogger girl went jogging by only to stop dead in her tracks in front of my house to scream. I finally had enough. I grabbed the baby, put on my shoes and walked down the driveway to see what it was. I was shocked to see a brown and white stripeyish snake laying there squished in the street. I never seen anything like it! I am afraid of snakes, this one gave me the creeps so inside I went to google this thing. Sure enough, it was an Eastern Milk Snake. They say they are not poisonous but have a painful bite. What is up with all these snakes lately!

Here is a link to the photo:


  1. Oh my gosh... Tell me about the plethora of snakes thing going on right now! I was sitting just the other day with my 5 month old, on the garden wall, and my husband just looked and pointed behind my shoulder and gasped... Needless to say I jumped up faster than I think I've moved in a while! He says: "Woah, there was a snake this big (hands being held up about 2-3ft apart) right behind you. You didn't even see it?" Um - hello? It was behind me! He said it was black, so it was most likely a black rat snake... Eeek! Just a bit freaked out of snakes and things that move like that... Especially when they are right there!

  2. a BLACK snake!! Oh my goodness, I would have nightmares :)

    I am beginning to think I have Ophidiophobia!

  3. Funny title. I clicked on the link and that snake looks like our pet snake a little bit. We have a Mexican Milk Snake and he is named spot. He is Red and Yellow and black with similar markings to the one on the link.
