Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moss Terrariums

Hello Friends! :)

One thing that I do not do is make living moss terrariums.. I used to however and would like to share with you on how to make them beautiful and inexpensive. They can cost quite a bit online, and they are so simple to make, I will save you a lot of money and your terrarium will have much more meaning to you when made by yourself~

Things you will need:

* A glass jar (mason jar , candy jar, .. any glass container with a top that you like!)

* Moss - I highly reccomend this seller on Etsy: A LOT of moss terrarium sellers buy their moss from her! Or you can always find your own moss around your yard, out on a walk in the park.. Just keep your eyes peeled and searcing in shady areas will provide most useful~

*Soil - Again, I reccomend the shop above, she also sells a great soil mix. Otherwise, take a little handful of the soil under the spot you find your moss. If it grew nicely there, then the soil is good.

* Activated Charcoal - This is optional, it can be found at most pet stores for aquariums. It can be pricey, but it really does help with the smell that can build up in a terrarium..

Last but not least - Small pebbles or little stones

Ok, now that you have your supplies, here is what you do.
Take your glass jar and place a handful of pebbles in the bottom, just enough to cover the bottom and provide drainage. I'd say about 1/2" to 1" worth in the bottom. Now, take around 1/4 Cup of activated charcoal and place that on top of your pebbles. Now, add your soil, about 1/2 cup. There is no right or wrong way to do this, so don't worry and just have fun! :) Just layer after layer, nothing has to be perfect~
Now comes the crowning jewel, the moss!
Spray the top of your soil layer with a gentle mist of water. I reccomend distilled water, or even water that has been boiled and cooled is great. Then take your moss and gently press it down into the soil using a gentle twisting motion from left to right. Give it a little mist of water (not too much, just a little), put your top on and enjoy! Place it in a place where it will not get direct sunlight. Sunlight will scorch the moss turning it brown.

For mere dollars, you juts made a special terrarium! You can spruce it up with many little decorations. There are many little clay objects you can find on Etsy by using the search term "terrarium accessory". Beware of using anything porus such as fabric or wood, it will grow mold in the terrarium.

Water your terrarium every 2 weeks using your distilled water by gently misting the top of the moss. It will last a long time if you take care of it :)

Happy Terrarium Making!!